
タイ バンコク 騒乱状況 http://bit.ly/cfob7i




Clashes continue in Bangkok, Thailand May 14; at least five people killed, 46 wounded. Avoid red-shirt protests and security posts.

Locations affected by this alert: Bangkok

This alert began 05/14/10 14:50 GMT and is scheduled to expire 05/16/10 23:59 GMT.

Security forces in the Thai capital of Bangkok are enforcing a cordon around the anti-government ("red-shirt") protesters' encampment in the city's business district. The army has orders to use live ammunition only for self-defense, but as of late May 14 at least five people have been killed and 46 wounded in various clashes between red-shirts and troops since the government ordered troops to enforce the cordon on May 12. Government forces deployed tear gas and water cannon at some protesters, who retaliated by setting fire to barricades made of tires and vandalizing several police and army vehicles. As of late May 14 it does not appear that government forces are yet in position to begin an offensive operation to clear the protesters.

Most shops, restaurants, businesses near the protest area have closed on government orders. Many diplomatic missions near the protest areas have closed as well, including those of the Netherlands, the UK and the US. Virtually all public transportation throughout Bangkok, including the entire elevated BTS Skytrain and the subway, has shut down since 1800. Authorities cut off water and power to the entire area of the protest in an attempt to force the red-shirts to abandon the protest area. The move has been very unpopular with area residents and businesses.

Protesters are essentially in control of Ratchadamri Road from Phetchaburi in the north to Rama IV in the south, where the largest protest encampment is located (at the Saladaeng intersection). Rama 1 is closed from Witthayu in the east to Chulalongkorn 5. Phetchaburi, Phaya Thai and Witthayu roads are closed to all traffic. Lumpini Park just to the east is occupied by protesters as well. Authorities are preventing pedestrians from entering the area unless they provide proof that they live or work there.

The government on May 13 added another 17 provinces to the list of those under emergency rule. The move was likely to allow security forces to limit inter-city transport and prevent additional protesters from entering Bangkok from rural areas.

The health status of renegade Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol (Seh Daeng), the de facto military chief of the protest movement, remains unclear. Sawasdipol was shot May 13 under mysterious circumstances as he conducted an interview with foreign journalists. Recent reports indicate that he remains in critical condition at Vahira hospital following emergency surgery. Doctors give him a "low" chance of surviving his injuries.

Background and Analysis
The latest casualties came as troops attempted to secure the Suan Lum night bazaar, just east of Lumpini Park, where the red-shirts set up a checkpoint to prevent security forces from advancing on their barricades. Any offensive operation to clear the protesters is likely to lead to intense violence. An unsuccessful attempt to clear a protest site April 10 sparked violent clashes that killed 25 people and wounded hundreds. The shooting of Sawasdipol, as well as the government's alleged retraction on an upcoming election day due to the protesters' failure to disperse, is likely to further antagonize the protesters and encourage violent clashes.

Although the red-shirts previously accepted a government reconciliation plan, they have refused to disband, despite threats by the military to forcibly disperse them. The red-shirts made acceptance of the reconciliation plan contingent on the government's arresting Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban, whom the red-shirts believe is responsible for ordering government troops to fire on protesters during earlier clashes.

Strictly avoid red-shirt camps and the security cordon in central Bangkok. Do not attempt to frequent businesses or streets in the surrounding area until the army operation has ended. Stay away from banks, police posts, and large concentrations of demonstrators and security personnel.

An interactive map of the Bangkok security environment: http://bit.ly/cfob7i

インドネシア国家警察 テロ計画を未然防止したこと発表

『大統領暗殺』を阻止 インドネシア 武装勢力5人射殺




Indonesian police uncover several major terror plots after raids, arrests since February, including planned attacks on hotels and the president.

Locations affected by this alert: Indonesia, Singapore

This alert began 05/15/10 00:37 GMT and is scheduled to expire 06/01/10 23:59 GMT.

On May 14, senior National Police (Polri) officials announced the discovery of an elaborate terror plot that was scheduled to have occurred on Independence Day on Aug. 17. Arrested terrorists linked to the "Al-Qaeda in Aceh" group have allegedly been plotting the assassination of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and other senior government officials by laying siege to the Istana Negara (State palace) during Independence Day celebrations in Jakarta. By killing senior political figures, the group believed that they would create chaos, cause the government to fall, and speed the transformation of the country into an Islamic state.

Terrorists also apparently planned to besiege high-end hotels, similar to the November 2008 Mumbai attacks, with the intent of killing foreigners, especially US citizens, although the time frame for this plot was unclear.

Authorities have not revealed any information about specific targets other than the president and possibly US President Barack Obama, who is supposed to visit Indonesia in mid-June. Much of this information reportedly came from documents seized during recent raids in Surakarta (Solo), Central Java, the week of May 9-16, as well as other recent security operations in Jakarta; Medan, North Sumatra, and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Senior Polri officers also stated that weapons and ammunition seized from terrorists in recent weeks was mostly smuggled into Indonesia from the Mindanao region in the southern Philippines.

Police also revealed that they had seized a map of Singapore's MRT system during a recent raid on a terrorist hideout, but they did not state whether they believed that extremists might have been planning an attack in that country.

Personnel from Detachment 88 (Densus 88), Polri's elite counterterrorism unit, have killed 13 terrorist suspects and arrested 58 others since January. On Feb. 24, Densus 88 officers raided a terrorist training camp in the Aceh Besar district of NAD. Information obtained during the operation led to a number of subsequent arrests and encounters with militants in other parts of the country, including a March 8 gunfight that left senior Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist Dulmatin dead at an internet cafe on the outskirts of South Jakarta.

Counterterrorism successes have largely weakened the JI, which was responsible for a string of high-profile terror strikes in Indonesia, particularly Jakarta and Bali, since the early 2000s. The elimination of the group's senior leadership, however, has apparently led to internal fractures and the emergence of splinter factions that continue to advocate violent jihad. The AQA is one such group. The release of additional information obtained from other terror suspects could lead to periodic terror warnings, and the identification of supposed targets may also lead to reviews of emergency preparedness and the introduction of new security protocols at specific sites such as hotels and major office buildings. It is unclear whether the AQA has or had the capacity to successfully execute these plots, which would have required significant planning. These revelations, however, arguably signal a significant evolution of terror tactics and strategy in Indonesia compared to the 2000s, when the JI primarily focused on staging major bombings.

While the terrorism threat is arguably moderate for most expatriates and business travelers, continued caution is necessary around sites commonly identified as potential targets. These include "soft" targets such as churches, restaurants, nightclubs, recreation facilities, and shopping centers, as well as sites with on-site security, including Western-branded five-star hotels, office complexes, and Western diplomatic missions. Limiting exposure to all of these sites is impractical, but maintaining a low profile, not lingering near entrances, and familiarizing yourself with emergency protocols and the location of emergency exits is advisable.

金融占星術英語 を勉強しよう メリマンサイクル 週報 MMA 20100510

A【 Review and Preview】

これは歌詞にもあるように、“他人と違っているために批難され憎まれもする” ("NaNaNaNa: I Walks With God" by Mike Dunn*より)と、世間一般とは異なった信条を持っているあなた方アストロロジャーのためにある。*マイク・ダン:80年代後期“アシッド・ベースの魔術師”と呼ばれた音楽家。故人。
そう、実際のところ、ファイナンシャルアストロロジーは、短期売買はいうに及ばず、日、週、月、はたまた年単位においてさえ、売買タイミングを計る手法として、これほど使える物はない。金融市場の天井或いはボトムと100%合致するものはないと以前から述べているが、『究極の株価タイミング』第三巻(日本未発売)で概説したパラメータ群を用いれば、天体位相をベースにした重要変化日と米国株価におけるに主要な転換日との整合性は約82%となる。例えば、4月26日には年間最高値を付けたが、それはまさに土星/天王星のオポジション(180度)形成の日であった。その日(4月26日)、ダウ平均はザラバで11,258㌦の年初来高値を付けた。これは相場の反転と関連する最も強力な天体位相が出現した日であったのみならず、2007年10月17日高値から2009年3月6日の安値までの下げに対する戻り幅におけるフィボナッチ修正幅の丁度61.8%の前後2~3ポイント以内であった。 このフィボナッチとはテクニカル分析を用いる人々(無論私もそうなのだが)がサイクルの安値或いは高値を正確に予測するときに使う数学的な計算値である。 テクニカルやパターン分析を併用する際、ジオコズミックとサイクルの研究は、市場の動きを予測する上で非常に強力な武器となる。

 この高値からの下値目標値は既に(有料版の各MMAレポートなどで)述べた通り、9,800~10,200㌦であった。5月6日(木曜日)にトレーディングシステムのトラブルにより、相場は急落して9,869で下げ止まった。この安値は4月26日の高値から1,389ポイントの下落であった。これはアストロロジーで説明可能である。 この“トレードシステムの機能停止による突然のトラブル”は2つの天体位相から説明できる。 一つは水星逆行(4月18~5月11日)。水星はコミュニケーションの不一致、例えば、誤発注である。 二つ目は土星が天王星とオポジション(180度)形成の間際であった。  天王星は特にコンピューター及びテクノロジーに関する物事を支配する。 また土星は損失と関連する。ここで、テクノロジーのトラブルとオーダーの誤発注等により損失が拡大した。 しかし、さらに説明すると、現在、土星と天王星が45年間隔で合計5回起こるオポジションのうち、今回は4回目に当たる。 このオポジション形成時における市場の値動きパターンは非常に類似している。即ち、毎回株式市場はトップアウトし、次いで大量の売り浴びせに会う。 このオポジションの第1回目は2008年11月4日であった。それは米国大統領選挙の投票日であったが、この日ダウ平均は9,654㌦でトップアウトした。 その後、約3週間後の11月22日には7,449㌦まで下落した。これは2200ポイント以上の下落であった。 2回目は2009年2月5日。この2営業日後の9日、ダウ平均は8,315㌦で天井を付けた。相場はそれから僅か4週間後、6,470㌦でボトムを付けた。これは1800ポイント以上の下げであった。 第3回目のオポジション形成時はさほど印象的ではなかった。それは2009年9月15日であった。このときはほとんどの株式市場で9月18日までにトップアウトした。ただし、ダウ平均はその翌週にもう一度、大きく上昇した(しかし他の市場は上昇しなかった)。  しかしその2週間後にダウ平均は約500ポイント下落して10月2日にボトムを付けた。

さて、現在4回目のオポジション(180度)をつける時期である。ダウ平均はこのオポジションの日に年初来高値をつけた。しかしその後、2週間以内に約1400ポイント下落した。この相関関係を単なる偶然と言い切れるのだろうか?  私がこの例を挙げるのは、アストロロジーを実践的に使っており、その価値を充分に知り得る多くの読者が経験するように、私も“アストロロジーは相場のタイミングを見るツールとして役に立たない”という批判的なメールを多くもらうことがあるからだ。
それは時たまのケースなのかもしれないが、ある特定のマーケットにおける重要変化日をピンポイントで外した途端、(私のところに)メールがどっとなだれ込む。それは外した重要変化日に絡む銘柄が実際に取引していようといまいと、(その銘柄以外の)世界の株式市場でどのような動きがあろうとも、たとえその動きが世界や国家の方向性を変えてしまうような重要な政治的イベントに関連していようがいまいが、(メールを送る人にとっては)全くお構いなしなのである。 例えば3月半ばの重要変化日を例に取ると、それはダウ平均の天井とは合致しなかった。しかし、医療保険制度改革法案の議会通過とは合致し、且つユーロの高値、穀物原油の安値とは合致している。 4月5日の重要変化日はダウ平均の高値からの転換とは合致しなかったが、原油の年初来高値及び、日経平均を含む世界の株価指数の高値とは合致した。 他のマーケットを見ると、金は先週、史上最高値をテスト中であり、ザラ場では僅かに私の予想の1200を上回った。ユーロは1.2500まで下落したが、これは1.5000でトレードされていたときの私のレポートで予想した2つの長期目標値の1つであった。 しかし、ドル対ユーロの動きは円とユーロの強さとは全く関係なかった。誰もがドルを安全な通貨の避難所と見ている。 しかし、ユーロ圏の懸念で最も恩恵を受けたのは円であった。

B 【短期見通し】

 現在4月19日~5月11日間の3週間に及ぶ水星逆行が終了するところである。また、5月6~17日は太陽中心で見て水星が射手座に滞在する時間帯である。 この時期は先週と同様、相場変動が極めて高い。しかし先週の相場変動は来月の木星と天王星が牡羊座に入居するときの予兆かもしれない。 これは全ての金融市場で夏までの相場にインパクトを与える占星学上のシグナルである。また、翌週からこのような天体の刺激を受けるかもしれない。 何故なら、金星が5月19日に蟹座に入居し、木星/天王星、冥王星及び土星のT字スクエアに対してグランドスクエアになるからだ。 その翌週は木星と土星の20年ぶりのオポジションになる。これは現在その状態が出現しつつあり、この時間帯は大儲けするか或いは大損するかのトレーディングの機会になる。

C 【長期見通し】

 ファイナンシャルアストロロジーの研究では、この10年(2000~2010年)の初めのころに起きた世界規模での多くの金融上の誤りが招いた結果が今後5~10年に亘って影響を及ぼすこと示唆している。 そして、この論文の執筆者たちは多くの事例を検証した上で、何故このような(危機的な)結果に陥ったのか、またどのような種類の政策を打ち出してこの危機を乗り切っていったか、非常に明快な答えを導き出している。ただ、いまは今回紹介した引用部分のみに照準を当てよう。 木星と天王星は牡羊座で今月末から9月初めまでコンジャンクション(0度)になる。これは過度の投機を示唆するので、金融市場でバブル発生の原因になるだろう。 しかしこのケースでは木星と天王星は土星に対してオポジション(180度)になるので、損失とも関連する。換言すればこの天体の配置は金融バブル(木星と天王星が牡羊座に位置する)で大暴騰、あるいは金融パニックで大暴落、もしくはそれが両方…つまり交互に起こるという事も考えられる。

 このドラマは運行中の冥王星が山羊座に位置し、他の3つの天体とスクエア(90度)になることで更に活性化させる。 既に何度も述べたが、冥王星は債務と関連する。現在世界的に債務が爆発的に増加している。 世界中の政府は自国の支出可能な限度以上に支出している。 先週、このような政策の末路をギリシャに見出す事が出来た。しかしこれはギリシャに限った話ではない。ポルトガル、スペイン、ベルギー及びフランスも似たようなものである。この状況を切り抜けられるだろうか?私には確実なことはいえない。 私の考えは次の通りである;今後6ヶ月以内にいかなる金融政策が取られてもこの危機は深く、且つ長期間続くということである。この点については歴史がはっきり示している。即ち、もし、金融機関の秩序が失われれば、結果的に待ちうけるのは“破産(bankruptcy)”のみである。それは政府も個人も同様だ。(国でも個人でも、先ずは)精々生き延びることが出来る範囲内の予算で支出をするよう心掛けるべきであって、最初から予算や支出可能額を考慮もせずに、はなから支出を決めるのは愚の骨頂である。 あとになって予定外の支出に予想外のストレスを受けることになるのだ。 しかし、よくよく考えてみると、これらのことは、カーディナルクライマックスの中で最も重要なアスペクトである、天王星/冥王星のスクエア(2012~2015年)の事を言っているように聞こえはしないだろうか? 本末転倒な話になるかもしれないが、(カーディナルクライマックスが)必ずしも予想通りの災難をもたらすとは限らない。 私の予想が正しいか否かは今後3~6ヶ月以内に判明するだろう。

MMA Comments for the Week Beginning May 10, 2010
Written by Raymond Merriman
Review and Preview
This is for all you astrologers “who have been criticized and hated on, for being different,” for believing differently, as the song goes (“NaNaNaNa: I Walks With God” by Mike Dunn). Financial Astrology works. In fact, nothing works better at identifying short-term market timing opportunities days, weeks, months, and even years ahead of time.
Now I am not saying the correlation to every financial market top or bottom is 100%. But via the parameters outlined in the Volume 3 of “The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing, Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles,” the rate of frequency between a geocosmic-based critical reversal date and major reversals in the U.S. stock market is approximately 82%. It struck again, dead-on, with the yearly high of April 26, the exact date of the Saturn-Uranus opposition.
On that date, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an intraday yearly high of 11,258. That was not only right on one the most powerful geocosmic correlates to market reversals, but it was also within just a couple of points of an exact 61.8% Fibonacci correction of the prior bear market decline from October 11, 2007 to the low of March 6, 2009. Fibonacci corrections are mathematical calculations that technicians – like myself – use to pinpoint price targets for cycle lows and highs, which will be the subject of Volume 5 of the “Stock Market Timing” series. When used in combination with certain technical and pattern recognition studies, the field of geocosmic and cyclical studies becomes a very powerful toolkit for forecasting market moves.
Let me demonstrate, via the market activity of last week. On April 26, the DJIA made its yearly high at 11,258, as stated above. The immediate downside price target from that high, as reported in our various subscription reports, would be 9800-10,200. On Thursday, there was a market glitch triggered by a possible breakdown of trading systems. The market went into free fall and stopped at 9869. That low represented a decline of 1389 points from the high of April 26. There are several astrological lessons that can be derived from this.
First of all, “glitches triggered by a possible breakdown of trading systems” refers to two astrological conditions that were in force. Mercury was retrograde (April 18-May 11). Mercury rules things like communication failures, such as errors in orders. The second factor is that Saturn was still very close in orb to its opposition of Uranus. Uranus specifically rules matters like computers and technology, and Saturn has association with loss. Here is a case of huge losses facilitated by a possible breakdown in technology and errors in the correct placing of orders.
But let’s back up a bit. This is the 4th of 5 passes of the 45-year year opposition between Saturn and Uranus. The market pattern in each passage has been very similar. That is, in each case the stock market topped out, followed by a sell-off. The first passage was November 4, 2008. That was Election Day, and the DJIA topped out at 9654. Less than three weeks later, on November 21, the DJIA was at 7449, a loss of over 2200 points. The 2nd passage was on February 5, 2009. Once again the DJIA made a crest, this time at 8315 just two trading days later. In less than 4 weeks, the DJIA bottomed at 6470, a loss of over 1800 points. The third passage was not quite as impressive. It took place on September 15, 2009. Most stock indices topped out by September 18, although the DJIA had one more burst up the following week (others indices did not). However, in the next two weeks it fell nearly 500 points to bottom on October 2.
And here we are in the 4th passage now. The DJIA made a new yearly high exactly on the date of the opposition, and so far it has fallen nearly 1400 points in less than 2 weeks. What are the odds that this correlation is random?
I bring this up because, like many of you who use astrology and know first-hand its value, I get a lot of mail from those who are critical of astrology being of any value as a market timing tool. It may be spot on several instances in succession, but as soon as it fails to pinpoint a reversal in the particular market they trade, the letters start to pour in. It doesn’t matter that the reversal dates were valid in markets they don’t trade, or even in other stock indices throughout the world, or even if it correlated with major political events that change the direction of the world or a nation. The critical reversal date in mid-March, for example, didn’t correlate with a top in the DJIA. But it did correlate with the passage of the Health Care Reform bill, a high in the Euro currency and a low in Grains and Crude Oil. The April 5 geocosmic critical reversal date did not correlate with a reversal from a high in the DJIA, but it was the yearly high in Crude Oil and many stock indices throughout the world including the Japanese Nikkei.
In other markets, Gold is again testing its all-time high last week, trading slightly above $1200, as expected. And the Euro currency fell to 1.2500, which was one of the two long-term price targets given in our reports, even back when it was trading in the 1.5000 range.But the movement in the Dollar against the Euro was nothing compared to the strength of the Yen against the Euro. Everyone talks about the U.S. Dollar as the currency of safe haven. But it was the Japanese Yen that benefitted the most from the troubles in the Euro zone and its currency.
Short-Term Geocosmics
We are now at the end of the three-week Mercury retrograde time band of April 19-May 11. We are also in the May 6-17 time band of heliocentric (not geocentric) Mercury in Sagittarius, when very sharp price moves are usually experienced, as witnessed late last week when this transit began.
But last week’s volatility may be indicative of what to expect late this month and next month when the Jupiter and Uranus enter Aries, an astrological condition that will likely have impact on all financial markets through the summer. We may get another dose of this “cosmic stimulus program” the following week when transiting Venus will enter Cancer (May 19), setting off the Cardinal Climax by entering the “grand square” position of the T-square between Jupiter-Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn. The week after that will witness the 20-year opposition between Jupiter and Saturn. It’s all starting to manifest now, and with it will come exceptional trading opportunities in which to make – or lose - a lot of money.
Longer-Term Thoughts
“Bubbles are far more dangerous when they are fueled by debt…Indeed, political disunity is often a key driver of sovereign defaults and financial crises. Pre-election posturing and post-election uncertainty routinely exacerbate the challenge of developing a coherent and credible policy response."- Carmen M. Reinhart & Kenneth S. Rogoff, “This Time is Different,” Princeton University Press, 2009.
The book mentioned above contains an abundance of studies on defaults, bankruptcies, hyper-inflation and currency debasement of countries over the past 800 years. The fact is that we are living in one of these financial crises right now. And the study of Financial Astrology indicates that the consequences of many global financial missteps that took place early in this decade may last yet another 5-10 years. The authors are very clear on many of the causes that lead up to these consequences, and what types of policies can counteract them.
But let’s just consider the quote given above. Jupiter and Uranus are coming together in Aries, starting late this month and lasting into early September. This is a signature suggesting excessive speculation, which is the cause underlying most bubbles in financial markets. But in this case, Jupiter and Uranus are also in opposition to Saturn, which can pertain to losses as well. In other words, this set up can be a financial bubble (Jupiter-Uranus in Aries), or a financial meltdown, as in a financial panic. Or both, one after the other.
Adding fuel to this dynamic is transiting Pluto in Capricorn, in square aspect to the other three planets. As stated numerous times, Pluto pertains to debt. And today, as discussed in so many of these columns, world-wide debt is exploding. Governments around the world are spending much more than they can afford. You saw the results of this policy in Greece last week, but not far behind in similar financial straits may be Portugal, Spain, Belgium, and France.
Can we make it through this kind of situation? I don’t know for sure. But I do believe this: whatever fiscal and monetary decisions that will be made during the next six months will likely determine how deep and how long this crisis will last. And history is quite clear on this: if you don’t get your financial house in order, bankruptcy is the result. It is the same for governments as it is for individuals. You need a budget that you can live within, and you need to determine which (spending) programs you can afford within that budget. To enact the spending first – without regard to budget and affordability – is ass backwards and bound to lead to unexpected stresses that one is not prepared for. But then again, doesn’t that sound like Uranus square Pluto (2012-2015), the heaviest aspect within the Cardinal Climax? This doesn’t have to be a disaster waiting to happen if we just get real about putting the horse before the cart. We should know in the next three-six months if we are getting it right.

金融占星術英語を勉強しよう メリマンサイクル MMA 20100517

MMA Comments for the Week Beginning May 17, 2010
Written by Raymond Merriman
Review and Preview
Due to the length and nature of this week’s “Review and Preview,” there will not be an additional “Longer-Term Thoughts” section.
Let’s see if we got this right. Gold soars to a record high last week as the Euro currency falls to a new 4-year cycle low. Everything that was up is now down. Everything that was, isn’t, and that which is, won’t be much longer. And that which will be, isn’t yet known, but only imagined. Welcome to this new portal you’ve entered known as the “Cardinal Climax,” an 80-90 year planetary pattern in which Dollars become worth pennies and Euros even less, as fiat paper currency begins to disintegrate right before our eyes.
In this “Alice in Wonderland” flight from normalcy, there are layers upon layers of surprises as we descend deeper and deeper into the Cardinal Climax of 2008-2015. From the viewpoint of this Financial Astrologer, there are at least five layers of new cosmic – and thus mundane - realities to be encountered. The first occurred in late 2007, early 2008 as Pluto initiated humanity into the Cardinal Climax with its 15-year entrance into Capricorn. That was when the toxic sub-prime mortgage began to wreak havoc upon the world-wide banking system, forcing central banks (like the Federal Reserve Board) to begin reducing interest rates to zero and to pump excessive monies in order to shore up liquidity, which was suddenly dangerously low. But it didn’t work for long as Bears Stearns and Country Wide Financial went under anyway.
The second layer was the first major aspect of this Cardinal Climax – Saturn in opposition to Uranus, in the fall of 2008. It would begin the near collapse of banking system (Lehman Securities went under) and the resulting historic elections in the United States and Japan, where the populace voted for the promise of “change” (a good word to describe Uranus), and threw out the incumbents – a phenomenon that continues, as witnessed by Great Britain last week. The banking system cracked and the markets plunged. Then they recovered more powerfully than anyone thought possible. These are all themes consistent with Saturn and Uranus in opposition.
The much more than expected explosion of debt kicked off the third layer as Saturn entered Libra and began its series of waning square aspects to Pluto in October-November 2009. The degree of debt was much worse than anyone (certainly politicians) realized or revealed at the time. In fact, it was out of control, despite claims to the contrary, and promises to rectify it, by world leaders. As all this was happening, Mother Earth then went berserk in the first five months of 2010 (Haiti and Chile earthquakes, Iceland volcano eruptions, the oil rig explosion and disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, to name just four). This too is a classical expression of Saturn and Uranus in opposition, with Pluto in Capricorn.
And now, we descend even further into this next layer of this bizarre portal, this rabbit hole abyss of a Wonderland, as both Jupiter and Uranus enter Aries in the next three weeks, lasting into early September. What was down will now turn up, up, and away (think asset inflation). And that which was up will likely turn down, down, and more down (think of the future of political incumbents). There are no limits with Jupiter and Uranus, only new expressions and experiences.
The final layer – the bedrock – of the Cardinal Climax – will unfold late July through early August, when Mars joins Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and the Moon’s North Node, all in cardinal signs. The middle of this will be Pluto and North Node in Capricorn, which will extend even into November. What can be deeper or darker than Pluto in Capricorn, squared by both Uranus (with Jupiter) and Saturn (with Mars)? This is not to suggest that everything will be negative, for in darkness there is also a sense of unity and oneness, from which the cycle of growth is slowly but painfully reborn.
How high will Gold be then? For that matter, what will the terms “Currency” and money come to mean? If you have followed the golden rules of financial planning, i.e. saving money, since the Cardinal Climax began, you have suffered dearly. Your savings are paying less than 1% while stock and precious metals are appreciating over 70% in the last 12-18 months. But you know, just as soon as you move your money from savings to these markets and discard the “golden rule,” the Dow Jones Industrial Average will fall 1000 points or more. Or so you fear.
These are not the “End Times,” but they are times of collective karma, or the realization of consequences from misguided past actions. In typical Saturn-Uranus fashion, a lot of promises have been made that have been broken. In classical Pluto-in-Capricorn fashion, the collective is demanding accountability. They are searching for leaders who exhibit honesty and financial sensibility, which will allow for practical and realistic financial planning. As we come out of the fifth layer of the Cardinal Climax, the ascent won’t be along the same path as the descent, and it won’t be straight up. It will be rocky, and it may feel like we have entered yet other strange portals along the way. The most powerful of the signature within the Cardinal Climax will take place 2012-2015. That is the 126-year waxing square aspect between Uranus and Pluto. At least it is a waxing square, which symbolizes the pain of birth (or rebirth), and not pain of death.
Short-Term Geocosmics, and more Review and Preview
This fourth layer of the Cardinal Climax technically begins this week. Transiting Venus will enter Cancer on May 19. As stated last week, that will “… (set) off the Cardinal Climax by entering the “grand square” position of the T-square between Jupiter-Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn. The week after that will witness the 20-year opposition between Jupiter and Saturn." In fact, between May 17 and May 23, there will be eight important geocosmic signatures, and three of them are the most powerful Level One types (i.e. historically the highest correlation to primary or greater cycles). As Venus enters Cancer, it will square both Saturn and Uranus, and oppose Pluto, May 18-23, creating a case of translation to the Cardinal Climax.
But it is the two following weeks which are also a great concern to Financial Astrologers. On May 28, Uranus enters Aries. On June 6, Jupiter enters Aries. On June 8, Jupiter and Uranus will conjunct one another in the first degree of Aries. There are no geocosmic signatures with an historical higher correlation to primary or greater cycles than Jupiter and Uranus within 11 trading days. Both of these planets represent speculation, as does the fire sign of Aries as well. There are probably no two planetary combinations that represent greater volatility than Jupiter and Uranus (perhaps Mars belongs in this group too, but that will have to wait until August to set in). We can already see its influence manifesting in financial markets in the past 10 days, from the intraday 1000 point drop in the DJIA on Thursday, May 6, to the 1000 point rally from that low into last Thursday, May 13.
And while all that happened, the Euro currency fell to a new 4-year low and Crude Oil dropped back to 70.00/barrel, when just the prior week it was trading at its yearly high of 87.15 and Gold soared to a new all-time high on Friday, just below $1250.00/ounce.
We are entering the fourth layer of this spectacular and bizarre portal. The rules that worked before don’t work now. But that doesn’t mean that there will not be exceptional trading opportunities. To the contrary, the most exceptional trading opportunities of a lifetime are unfolding now. Unfortunately this also means the risk of loss is greater than ever before too. If you don’t understand Astrology, you might start to think that the world and its leaders have gone mad as a Hatter, and Alice really is the leader of the Tea Party (is he really the only sane one?). It can make for great entertainment if you can remain detached and keep your wits about you.
The only thing is that I don’t think Mother Nature is viewing this craziness with much sense of humor these days, certainly not in regards to deep sea oil drilling. This can be a time for laughter, if you can remain detached, but it can also be a time for tears, caused by senseless and careless behavior leading to accidents and loss of life.
Yet Pluto in Capricorn will hold one accountable to all behaviors now, even the Mad Hatters of government and big business (they are all in it together, including the Freddies and Fannies) as well as Alice and her Tea Party, and Robin Hood too. As Yogi Berra once said: “It’s déjà vu all over again.” Only in our self delusion, we may think that “This Time It is Different.” In some ways it is, but in terms of the outcomes, it’s not.
Take your risks, but keep them measured. Keep your seat belts fastened. There are a whole lot more surprises and revelations coming up on this roller coaster ride through the Wonderland of the Cardinal Climax. It is turning out to be everything it was hyped to be.